Bad Web CrawlersFound this bot accessing the site via lots of different 202.46.* IPs. Reverse DNS points to

The range of IPs for to is associated with ShenZhen Sunrise Technology Co., Ltd.

This is how to ban via .htaccess RewriteRule:

## ban
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^202\.46\.(3[2-9]|[4-5][0-9]|6[0-3])\.
RewriteRule !^robots\.txt - [F]

Optionally, you can add this RewriteCond for the useragent they happen to be using at the moment:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Mozilla/5\.0\ \(Windows\ NT\ 5\.1;\ rv:6\.0\.2\)\ Gecko/20100101\ Firefox/6\.0\.2

However, the IP ban is specific to the range owned by the company, so personally I wouldn’t bother using that useragent criteria. They could just change it at any time.

I did see they made several requests to robots.txt, but without a proper user agent identifying this bot as a crawler, your guess is as good as mine how to ban it in robots.txt, perhaps:

Disallow: /